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Who am I?

I'm a graduate of Digipen's Bachelor of Arts in Games Design Degree. Within my projects, I have taken up the role of Game Designer and 3D Modeller, having contributed to the development of platforming, strategy, and educational games.


Being exposed to video games from the time a classic Game Boy landed on my lap, my perception of the medium changed over the years, from seeing it as a simple entertainment source as a consumer to appreciating the effort and intricacy that goes into the creation of these experiences as a designer. I feel there is a great satisfaction to be found in the creation of games as they would become part of someone's memories and lives.

My Skills

Having specialized in Games Design, my primary forte was level design and 3D Modelling, both developed in my time within the course, though I crave to improve them further. I would also claim my skill in understanding and utilizing engines is decent in terms of the usage of Unity's C# and Unreal's Blueprint Scripting system.

I also have proficiency in many creative programs like vector art, image editors, and modeling software that were used to create the works seen in this portfolio.

In terms of personal interests, I dabble in the hobby of model kits to the degree where I'd create custom ideas in 3D programs, finding great satisfaction in their construction within Blender and animating them, having been successful in importing them as playable characters inside of Unreal Engine 4.

Game Engine




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